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FHC Deals is an online travel company offering competitive deals on flight bookings, hotel reservations, and car rentals. Our website,, is a brand of Travel Trivia Pvt. Ltd.

FHC Deals is a brand of Travel Trivia Pvt. Ltd., a reputable company in the travel industry.

You can reach us via our customer support email at [email protected] or call us at our helpline number +91-89295 93433.

We accept all major credit and debit cards, net banking, UPI, and various mobile wallets.

Yes, our website uses secure encryption methods to ensure that your personal and payment information is safe.

To book a flight, visit our website, enter your travel details in the flight search section, select your preferred flight, and proceed with the booking.

Yes, you can change or cancel your flight booking through our website under 'Manage Bookings' or by contacting our customer support.

Cancellation fees depend on the airline's policy plus our service charge. Please refer to the airline’s terms and conditions during the booking process.

You will receive an email confirmation with your e-ticket details once your booking is successful.

You need to carry a valid government-issued ID, your e-ticket, and any other documents required by the airline.

To book a hotel, visit, enter your destination and travel dates in the hotel search section, browse through the available options, and complete your booking.

Yes, modifications and cancellations can be made through contacting customer support, subject to the hotel's policy and our service fee.

Cancellation policies vary by hotel plus our service charges. Please check the specific hotel's cancellation policy during the booking process.

Check-in and check-out times vary by hotel. Please refer to your booking confirmation or the hotel’s policy.

Some hotels may require a deposit at check-in. This information will be provided during the booking process.

To rent a car, visit, enter your location and rental dates in the car rental section, select your preferred car, and complete the booking.

Yes, you can modify or cancel your car rental booking through our website under 'Manage Bookings' or by contacting customer support, subject to the rental company's policy.

You will need a valid driving license, a government-issued ID, and the credit card used for the booking.

Cancellation policies vary by rental company plus our service charges. Please check the specific company’s cancellation policy during the booking process.